Junior Development Program


Cats NSW recognises that its future will be determined by its acceptance of our youth and its welcoming of children at all our cat shows and events, promoting safe and responsible ownership of a cat. 

The following Junior Development Program has been produced to encourage ALL children into our World of Cats.

Our Vision

To achieve an increased participation by youth within the Cat Fancy.

Our Mission

To encourage youth to participate in elements and activities within the Cat Fancy that further enhance their appreciation for felines and feline inspired professions, and their understanding of tasks and roles associated within the Cat Fancy.

Our Goals

The program is open to all children aged eight to seventeen. Each participant will develop as an individual and will strive to increase their knowledge of felines and their care, and their awareness primarily of the Cats NSW but also the greater Cat Fancy around the World, putting them on a path of life-long learning

Explore the exciting world of cats and kittens, how our shows  work, and learn how to properly handle cats and kittens.

Participants will be encouraged to learn about good sportsmanship, cat care, health and hygiene whilst working with cats, breed standards, grooming and presentation, and all aspects of being an exhibitor at a cat show thereby providing them with the tools to become a valuable asset in the promoting of responsible cat ownership, cat breeding and exhibiting cats.


By introducing young persons to the basic requirements for proper feline care, and the concepts of breeds and standards, as well as the qualities of sportsmanship and interacting with the general public, this program will provide the basis for a lifelong love of the cat and the enjoyment of the sport of showing purebred and companion cats.


To provide a safe, risk-free environment for both participants and felines to best be able to fully enjoy their experience within Cats NSW and the greater Cat Fancy both in Australia and throughout the World

By regulating that it is a requirement for each and every participant to be accompanied by their parent/guardian during Junior Handler Assessment on Show Day, the program will provide an opportunity for developing family enjoyment of felines and the sport of showing purebred and companion cats.


To provide tutors/judges of exemplary character who are trained in many facets of the Cat Fancy and who may hold a current Working with Children Check to best provide leadership and training to each and every participant


To best ensure the success of our Junior Development Program we will aim to provide at each and every Cats NSW show the opportunity for participants to train and for assessments to be undertaken and completed through the avenue of a Junior Exhibitor Class.

For more details, please view our Show Organisation Procedures or fill out and send us a Junior Development Application Form